7875 Black Hawk Road

Black Hawk, SD 57718


Online Employment Application
Tru-Form Construction, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer and will not discriminate against any applicant based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability status or any other classification protected by federal, state, or local laws.
In order to maintain a safe work environment for its employees, Tru-Form Construction, Inc. requires all new hires and current employees to provide the minimal amount of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes: an approved Company hard-hat, a T-shirt with standard 4-inch sleeves (no cutoffs or tank tops), durable long pants (no sweat pants or shorts), and rugged footwear that covers the ankle (no tennis or sneakers).
Note: This field is not required here. However, you will be required to provide a valid SS# if hired.
Street Number, Street Name, Apt/Unit#
City, State, Zip Code
Telephone #
Please note that you will be unable to operate company vehicles or certain machinery without a valid Driver’s License.
This information is used to assess whether or not you are eligible to work on certain government and public works contracts.
Note: If you answer “No” to this question, you will be required to disclose any medications you are taking and proof that the medication has been prescribed by a licensed physician.
You may be asked to provide further educational details if called for an interview.
Company/Employer Name
Telephone #
Hire Date
Departure Date
Company/Employer Name
Telephone #
Hire Date
Departure Date
Company/Employer Name
Telephone #
Hire Date
Departure Date
I hereby authorize Tru-Form Construction, Inc. to solicit my previous employers, educational institutions, or relevant public entities in order to confirm the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided in this application. As such, I waive any and all rights to privacy and/or confidentiality pertaining to my past work performance and agree to release Tru-Form Construction, Inc. from any claims, damages, or liabilities that may directly or indirectly result from said solicitation(s). By checking the box above and submitting this application for review, I am agreeing to these terms and understand that the information provided may be held and/or referenced by Tru-Form Construction, Inc. for up to 90 days from today’s date.